I would think MS would create a function like this that would allow some parameter controls for the user for these types of needs. In some ways this merge or “mashing” as I prefer to call it is more common with document processing when say I am in a location where I cannot get a WiFi signal (believe it or not there are still lots of those) and I am editing meeting notes that I normally keep in Dropbox or on another computer.

You can open the File Search via the Windows 'Start' menu or the 'Tools' ribbon tab in the main application. Now my music folders stored in multiple locations would all be current. The TreeSize File Search offers the ability to search for obsolete files or perform a highly customizable search. The dupes would go to the wast basket for review before deletion. But the merge would include the original songs plus the most current by time stamp in the event there is a duplicate title. I would like to periodically merge say three or four folders in different locations into one that I can reposition back into those four locations.

It’s available on all versions of CCleaner, so you don’t need to pay for CCleaner Pro to use it. I have copies of the folders in multiple locations for security reasons (I have similar situation with photos). Launch CCleaner and click Tools > Duplicate Finder to find this feature. on a more reliable basis than file name, We tried Duplicate File Finder as suggested by xplummerx & KBinIT, but i just had a hard time (subjectively) with it, nothing. localoffer Tagged Items DigitalVolcano Duplicate Cleaner star 3 Spice (1). Here is an example of my need.I have music folders that have thousands of songs I have ripped from my CD collection etc. Treesize and Windirstat are great at finding wasted space but not for finding duplicate files.